1 month ago

After a full day, the SSFh drawing is complete.

In case anyone is wondering who is shown here:







Creator (me)

And [ information blocked ]



Next up

So the @DanimatronicSpeed OC model for SSFH (by @MorsStudios ) is done!

part of what happened a long time ago

I remind you, you will get this part when you at least try to get into the plot of the game -_-.

By the way, the old version of the game also has a part of the story related to this.

So, since I suck at modeling people, I figured, “why not model a person, but only side/front view?”

It's not laziness, it's style.)

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)


Sylvie, Caithlin and Brixie in winter outfits!

Hey, everybody. All this time I was preparing one model, namely: Funtik+ (based on the game NAwF by @DiasSir ) in fact this model for the contest, let's see if I win (honestly competition is not bad but weak)

as fucking expected....

And 2 pages of mini-studies finished!

I'm pretty proud of them and I really feel like I've improved. I'm preparing some more to make later when I'll have more time :)

It's been a while since I've shared my models. here's a @DanimatronicSpeed for SSFH (By @MorsStudios )