2 years ago

After alot of XFree86 configuration I finally fix screen resulotion and now it running gnome with wmaker. It running much faster then Windows XP on qemu



Next up

AI-generated Minecraft cake.

(Generated with DeepFloyd IF AI model)

PythonForAGI - Python module to simulate AGI, imagined by AI model.

Old Minecraft Alpha screenshot

AI-generated Minecraft mug

(Using DeepFloyd IF model)

POV: Since You Using Microsoft Internet Explorer and You're Getting interested When You Saw The Rare and Unknown Advert Popups That You Not Seen This Before...

Happy birthday @rayaneboukadiri

AI-generated Minecraft-styled cake

Minetest world screenshot.

I wish all a merry Christmas and happy new year :)

Python3 module, imagined by AI. I just give name "Python3Animation".