So the other day I was playing Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades on my HTC Vive. (If you don’t have the game, buy it!) I was playing the updated Breaching scene and thought it was cool and had some nice improvements from before. However, as I ran through shooting every target I saw, I realized two things. The first was H3VR uses real guns, airsoft guns are much different, especially with the muzzle velocity. The second was that I would clear a room, turn around, and see that an unshot target was sitting behind me the entire time. In airsoft, I would’ve been hit before I could’ve taken a third step into that room.
My plans for this are simply to make a reaction scene where targets appear carnival-style and you shoot them as fast as you can. You are scored on time and accuracy. That is effectively already done now:

Another scene is going to be a CQB field clearing. You run through a path around the CQB field and fire at any targets you find. If you miss one and it sees you for more than a second, the scene halts, shows you where you were hit, and restarts.
A video will be out covering more of what’s already done sometime on Tuesday, (edit: lol I’m so dumb, Tuesday is Christmas! sometime later in the week :P) when I have more free time to polish some systems up and to record & edit