I just wanted to say I’m still here (and alive) and the game is still going along. I overshot the deadline for the new release (even though I set it myself :-P ), for what I am very sorry. I’ve been playing a lot of pen&paper RPGs recently and that put most other stuff aside (I can recommend you a sweet zombie themed RPG - All Flesh Must Be Eaten, there’s a free demo and an adventure for it here), but I’m getting my stuff back in order.
The last time I was coding, I was trying to make some scripts to autobuild releases for Alive Again. That got me quite worked up, cause apparently Love has a hell of a lot of dependencies under GNU/Linux. I think I’ll have to come up with some other way of packing the Linux release, as doing it this way could eat all my free time by just keeping up with new versions of libs to bundle with the game (not to mention a new version of Love and openSUSE came along in the mean time). Would you be OK with just a dialog box telling you to install Love from the repos instead?
No promises, cause I’m not good at keeping them, but I think I might be able to make Alive Again ver0.2 in december.