A new bonus game will be added - Undertale Last Breath. This will be a 3-phase battle, with each one harder than the last. No unique mechanics will be introduced in this game.
You will need to have beaten Distrust Angela and Sudden Changes Sans to play ULB. Whether or not you play on Normal Mode does not matter.
Noob Mode will be changed to Easy Mode, followed by smaller text when playing with Easy Mode or Debug Mode.
In addition, the UI now has a black outline. Might add a toggle for this, not sure yet.
Genocide Toriel will be getting a nerf as completing it on Normal Mode is nearly impossible thanks to the final attack. Also, you will no longer need to get Toriel to low HP to kill her, damage will be forced to high after the seventh turn.
On the menu next to Her, there will be a music note, which toggles Music Mode. Music Mode allows you to play music from any of the games without having to play them in the first place, including locked ones.
Bonus games 2-5 and final fight do not have music yet, so these won't work.
Absolutely nothing is added to the achievements.
A key display will be added. This features the main keys (Z, X, C and arrow keys, as well as WASD if you play Undyne The True Undying).
All of the bones have an outline on them now. I thought it looked nice so yeah.
Achievement overlays from my old ULB Phase 3 Remake are coming back, showing NO HEAL or NO HIT for different challenges. On fights with phases, an overall NO HEAL or NO HIT rank will only be visible if you've done either of them in one run.
If you have already done challenges on any of the games, you will need to redo them to display your achievement in-game. The validity of your video will not change because of this, unless it was done on Genocide Toriel.
A NO MUSIC option will be added for chill players. I MIGHT add an option to play your own music in place of others but that's a solid maybe.
Next up
Yep, uhh... okay.
Undertale Last Breath Renewed: Deluxe has entered public beta!
Angry Sans progress
Here's some of what to expect in the upcoming Family Friendly mode.
Coming to V1.6
Buckle your seatbelts.
[DEVLOG] - We've been hard at work.
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