Alpha 1.1
Inspired by the Overwatch Series!
New Features:
Abilities and Ultimates
1 new Map
New CaC System
4 new heroes
Plans for future:
Payload Type Game Mode
More Heroes
Star Wars Heroes v. Villians Type Game Mode
More Maps
You know too much!
Dev Notes:
I wanna be able to have heroes with unique abilities like in Overwatch.
I soon wanna add different skins and taunts (spriters and gfx artists needed for that)
*I’ve been inspired by Overwatch lately and its all around fun-ness.
Note: As usual everything is still in Alpha/Debug mode and changes can be made. If you have any ideas for heroes, abilities and ultimates, please let me know. I’ll listen to anything! This is a feature I want to make big in the game.
See first Post for link!