Update v1.6
Youtube video update1.6 <———click here
Trucks !! ?? huh?
You herd it right players, we now have trucks in AlphaFleets!!
What’s the purpose of trucks?
Well let me explain, what happens when your in space, and players destroys all your items in your ship
Including your tanks? Or say your only tank gets destroyed on a enemies planet, or even on your own planet, how are you suppose to land on a planet then? :O
Well that’s where trucks come in handy! Trucks are unattackable, weather in space or on a planet!(you will have your truck, FOREVER!)
Trucks has the ability to build on a planet and upgrade buildings, as well as access special buildings like the market!
You can also cheat with trucks!! How so ? Use them as scouts or spies on enemies planets, remember your truck is unattackable! (But remember, enemies still can see your truck.)
What’s the down side you may ask ?
Trucks can not attack nothing! They are pretty much useless in battle ;)
Another down side is for tanks… They no longer can build, upgrade, or access buildings on planets..(There soul purpose is for battle!)
however tanks can attack other tanks, as well as destroy buildings on planets, and in the future, tanks will be able to take over enemies planets!
So stay tuned to the next update!
—Game Updates—
Added Item truck:
Trucks can not be placed into the planet inventory. (This is a permanate defualt item).
Trucks can not be attacked or destroyed in space battle.
Trucks can now land on planets.
Trucks can now load back into space by driving on the dropzone.
If you log out with your truck on the ground, when you log back in, you are back on the planet with your truck.
Tanks can not attack trucks.
Trucks are not able to attack.
Tanks are no longer able to build, or upgrade buildings.
Trucks are now able to build, and upgrade buildings.
All users recieved a truck!
All new registerd users now starts out with a truck, instead of a tank.