4 years ago

Alright Alright Alright So...Story time in the article, make sure to get all snuggled up under the blankets kiddo, get your popcorn cause this is some crazy shit you're about to listen to...

So many MANY months ago, I worked for my brother and his company he owns/owned (idfk anymore) It's called GatorVidz, now now now GatorVidz is a uhhh a show and movie streaming service, kinda like Netflix right? It had good advertised prices, good branding, etc...but let's remember...this is my SECOND brother we're talkin bout here aight? And- And he has done some financially and not-so legal things with financial things before *cough* anyways, so this scamming bastard of a bro- I mean, so my wonderful business owner of a brother is putting me in as a customer service person aight? So I'm going through the training and uhhh well- well lemme tell you, the customers- man like- I don't even know bro, alright? These shits must inhale fumes straight from the smokestacks, cause these motherfuckers- like- there's no fuckin way that any of them DIDN'T snort the white no-no powder. Anyways, so a few months pass by and there's some decency goin around that I'm glad for but...then this one bumbling dumbass comes into the live chat system we setup, and this snot-nosed dumbfuck degenerate comes into the fuckin live chat and starts asking where our office is located, where do we operate? and I'm like "Uhhh sir, all the information is on the website, just uh check there?"

And then this customer starts fuckin reading me a passage out of his autobiography, like I'm not even kidding, he starts going off about how he grew up the world didn't have this kinda bullshit, computers weren't so confusing and stupid, and- and shit like that right? Well I sat and listened for an entire 2 hours of this nincompoop just fucking reading me the god damn declaration of indepedence in his own words, he finally ends off with this trip around the world and finally, FINALLY my shift ends, and the dude who trained me and is there with me as like- like a co-worker goes "you know, he seems like a complete moron, so seeing as your shift is over, just uh, end the chat and you can go" So I left...and I'll never hear the rest of this random ass dude's life story but hey that's aight, at least I got something out of it...I think.



Next up


Old homepage (left) Vs. New home page (right), GJ App in both

So I made a playlist and you won't believe how long it is (54 hours and 28 minutes)

Here are the rules again! Sorry for the repost I accidentally removed the other one... OOPS!

If anyone wants to see this silly epic spotify playlist I made here's the link:


Hm? What's this?! A Teaser you say? I see...well now you've grabbed my attention, what does Lyn have planned this time? No? You won't spoil? I suppose we'll see in due time then!

solid song right here ngl, love the name of it too

so anyways

MagmaRat Studios is on the path to creating a new and improved FPS Shooter known as: Siege S7ven: Breakout

This First-Person Military shooter made with a unique low-poly style, it's certainly a game to go for!