The Anomaly Hunters
These AAC employees are tasked with hunting down anomalies around the world for study, althougt sometimes they are given another one: eliminating anomalies that are way too powerful to exist, or ones that have no use for the AAC anymore.
The Anomaly Hunter's uniform is designed to specifically hide the face of the user, and they have built-in voice changers, to prevent them from being recognized or for a bounty to be put on their specific heads.
Anomaly Hunters are trained in all types of combat, with the main aim during the training of these soldiers being to create the best Anomaly Hunters possible. They can use any type of weapon, ranging from smol knifes to b i g miniguns.
One thing to note: Normal AAC employees wont be able to create characters in the Anomaly Hunter class. Only mods. Why? Because they are op. You normal people cant have anything op.
Welp, thats all you need to know about Anomaly Hunters.
Also, yes, i took some colors from the color scheme from Chad (The security guy). You got a problem with that?
(Note: I forgot to say it, but these guys will appear in the storyline. Mainly because... well they hunt anomalies. And the protagonists ARE anomalous)
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