4 days ago

Alright so in case it wasn't obvious I'm back and are no longer on "break", if exposing people is what break is then yeah that's over (for now). At this point I want to go back to sometimes talking about stuff and plan on what I said before all this.

Also THANK YOU ALL FOR 200 FALLOWS!!!!, it sucks that it came from drama and not normally but a dub is still a dub so thank you all the same lol.



Next up

I don't see a lot of people talk about the redesigns for the cast of PPW and I think they look pretty good for what they are. But I'm still shocked/annoyed that they're still keeping the name "Gay Gecko" for one the main four antagonist for the game.

OH is that right!? so when someone admits to staking someone for a WHOLE YEAR AND HRASSES people that's fine but when I want to give awareness to you lot this is what I get? You know what fine then, dw about the block cuz I won't join back, what a joke.

Quick question, does anyone know what happened to Satan's Factory 2 made by @Real_Glitchran ? Just noticed the game missing from my follow's and find that the game is now deleted. I'm assuming it's canned but an answer would be appreciated, thank you.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Hello! I know I said that I'm moving out of the public eye for awhile but Fazbear's Mascot Simulator has found!!! Someone asked the dev if they still had a copy and he gave the games download on Google drive. I asked the dev if he was cool with me-

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Me when I see people struggle with Vinnie from FNAC 3:

Out of curiosity I went to give the J4 demo a try and I've got to say.. the game is complex with it's gameplay. I feel like there's a shit ton of things that were added for the sake of it and if I remember right this was meant to be ONE part of the game.

The Return to Bloody Nights VR OST- Casual Trumpets Theme (wip)

Oh wow! 187 Followers! that's a lot of people. I have to say thank you all so much for the follows, although it's not my goal to reach a shit ton of these it's still nice to get from time to time. I hope you all have lovely days ahead and see you latter.