Members of the Bits and Pieces Community,
Today has brought some distressing news as we have learned that our owner, Blaize Mayes, has been arrested on charges that are inexcusable and despicable.
You can find more about the situation here.
We want to make this clear:
The Bits and Pieces team does NOT condone Blaize Mayes' actions and will not be affiliated with them any longer.
Please understand that those on our team are currently experiencing the same emotions as you probably are: anger, pain, and a deep sense of unease.
We were blindsided by the situation, and require some time to contemplate the future of the mod and our team.
The unfortunate truth is that, a significant portion of the mod's development work was carried out by Blaize. Consequently, removing their contributions would essentially mean dismantling almost the entire mod itself.
Rest assured, once we have made a decision regarding the mod's future, we will provide updates through the GameJolt, as well as our Discord server.
Until then, Bits and Pieces is indefinitely on hold. Whether or not anything will happen with it in the future remains to be decided.
-Mr. George, on behalf of the rest of the BnP team