Edgar - Bokbok in Boulzac

6 years ago

An arboreal rabbit can yield power up to 3 carrot.Watt.hour⁻¹!!!

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Next up

The city hall, the pride of Boulzac. Try our demo on our Gamejolt page

Let's stretch our legs in the park dear.

Boulzac is a colorful village, full of unforgettable characters.

Hey guys !

This is the finaaaaaal Bokbooooook !!!

That's right dear ! Our story is finally coming out on Feb 26th !

Can't wait to share the game with you !

Bok bok to you !

Bokbok in Boulzac,

A story about a man and it's thrusty chicken (more chicken pics in the article)

Now all together:🧘‍♂️ “AOOOOOMMMM”

Feel better?

We are making a game about conspiracy theories & chickens (wish us luck, we need it!)


Thanks to Gamejolt we are featured on Home Page ! Hope you will like our game and rescue Boulzac and Edgar's squash.

Bok bok to you <3

Here’s a picture of us including our very own hen and CEO. Bok bok to you and join us on Discord:

This lady wants to talk to the manager!!!