Hello there,
Today I want to talk about the magnificent artistic direction than brings us to life, my dear and I.
If you want to try the demo it’s on our gamejolt page
And you can register to our newsletter to know when we launch (we don’t spam)
The artistic direction is designed by the talented Amélie Guine. And if you want to see more more about her amazing works, I highly recommend you to click right here: https://www.amelie-guinet.com/
So first, all the characters in Edgar Bokbok in Boulzac are in SD (Super deformed), with a big head / small body. Giving them a kawaii side.

In other words the perfection has a name and it’s me, Edgar!!!
For the environment and the rendering we had one goal, “make it clear!!!” It’s why the lines are simplified and the details are enlarged and suggested to focus on the elements related to narration.

It’s a narrative game, so at least you should be able to read what is going on, isn’t it?
By the way, here is a trick to create a great depth perception in your environnement, mixing 2D and 3D:

And here you can see all the rendering steps for creating the Garden of Edgar:
The 3D base
The Dephmap texture
The day / night

For our animation Amélie is using the Anima 2D plugin on Unity, It’s an animation technique in “paper cut”.

Basically, she is cutting us in several rigid part and then attached those parts into a skeleton… moving us like a puppet… Savage…

And that’s all for today will be back really soon!!!
Bok bok