7 years ago

An Update

So where do i begin uh well, i’m still alive just been dealing with stuff at home and been generally busy. I’m still currently on my 2nd year at Uni and two of my assignments is to make a game each. One showcasing physics concepts in Unity and the other is my own free will, this one i’m currently moving Nova onto Unity so the coding and other parts are being re-worked as well as a completely revamped game objective but i will get to that next week till then i hope you all enjoy the rest of your day :) :)



Next up

Nova - Alpha v 0.1.0 is now available to download!!!

Nova - Alpha v 0.2.0 release this Sunday :D

Updated Screenshots 02/04/18

Brand New Level: Grasslands

Latest Screenshots

24/06/2017 - Media

Nova - Unity Version (Still early stages)

Updated Turrets. Two types > Friendly and Enemy.

Nova (Some more improvements)

11/06/2017 - Media