1.) Find a small, really inconspicuous bug.
2.) Fix small, inconspicuous bug.
It’s incredible what one line of miss placed code can do to a game as it gets bigger!
From randomly floating slightly above a floor, to randomly plummeting through them like they don’t exist to your death, to the game not even compiling - messy code has a way of snowballing itself.
I spent the whole night rewriting the jump and collision detection stuff so that it works more consistently, and the code is still a disaster of spaghetti code.
Going to have to look at my methods going forward to make sure this doesn’t happen again… it’s a bit depressing - I sat down excited to make my first boss encounter, and instead I spent the night 3 inches from my screen squinting at lines of code muttering “what the heck does this even do?”
TONIGHT though - tonight I make a boss!