1 year ago

And we open another cancelled project in this collection, this time it's the turn of a game that was planned to be released for the platform Roblox with a game style similar to dead by daylight, but it was cancelled because I didn't think that this kind

of games would like here, but it's time to see that, that's all and see you in the darkness ;)


Y abrimos otro proyecto cancelado en esta colección, esta vez le toca el turno a un juego que estaba planeado lanzar para la plataforma Roblox con un estilo de juego similar a dead by daylight, pero fue cancelado porque no creía que este tipo de juegos gustaran aquí, pero es hora de verlo, eso es todo y nos vemos en la penumbra ;)



Next up

¿Qué puerta elegirías?


Which door would you choose?


Hello everybody, it's been a long time, hasn't it? I've been a little busy lately with several things in my personal life, but I just want to let know that I'm still around here “working” with Randal on the animation for the special and Ricky Mint,


Trabajando en algo especial 👀



Working in something special 👀

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates #Roblox! Go to gamejolt.com and accept the quest to get started.

Que os esta pareciendo como va el proyecto, a mi me gusta y espero que a vosotros también. ;)


What do you think about how the project is going, I like it and I hope you like it too. ;)

I drew an roblox avatar i made today, a little witch girl, with magic powers i guess?


¿Quién es el error ahora?



Who is the mistake now?

¿Qué tal, cómo preferís el mapa con el mismo filtro que los demás (la segunda imagen) o sin él (la primera imagen)?


What's up, how do you prefer the map with the same filter as the others (the second image) or without (the first image)?

💰Hey all you upcoming creators! Go check out the brand new Robiz Plus campaign maker! ⬇️

Espero que les guste mi siguiente proyecto


I hope you like my next project