Let’s get this straight: There is never going to be an official android port of Dormitabis. There is a number of reasons for this, so i’ll tell you about all of them.
OwneTrick does not own an Android Module.
Porting a game to Android is not nearly as easy as you think. It would
probably take a few good months for a game of this scale.Speaking of scale, this game is 1GB large. This makes porting it to
Android without a huge loss of quality pretty much impossible.The game hasn’t even been finalized yet. There is probably still a large
number of small, undiscovered bugs, and probably another one or two major
ones. The game is in no way ready to go to other platforms.The mechanics would be very hard to translate to android. Without massive
AI nerfs, nobody would be able to beat an android version.I personally dislike Android ports. This might not matter as much, but I really don’t think that FNaF Fangames, especially games as intense as this,
should be played on the go.It just doesn’t work. You need full concentration
for this.
If you do want to make an Android Port of this game, have at it. I’m not going to stop you, but I also won’t encourage you. And don’t expect me to make it official or to give it a shoutout, because I won’t.