Now, I know this sounds ominous but it ain't, just saying we're converting to a 3D project, yup, story changed and all, no longer a fan game but something with its own story.
And yes, we're still at 0% of development! Time was wasted and all, I was working on another project and focusing on life too, so, we need ideas, and there's no wasting time because we're all lazy in the team (except for some people), no offense to anyone.
So, we're gonna focus on the story first, then development starts, it's pretty logical because we can't make a game outta nothing.

I've been exploring other games, and got inspired by American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness Returns, so that is why we are converting to a 3D game, because to give you all the experience of a true story and game.
Despite all that, I hope we can achieve our dream, because this game still means a lot to me and for the team, so yes, I'm looking forward to it, but I absolutely have 0% knowledge on how making 3D games, I only know 2D, so it'll take me time to adjust and begin developing on this game.
You know what they say, no longer a fangame, no less than an official game.
I'm glad I started this project though, it means a lot, so until then, please take care of yourselfs, and have a nice day/goodnight.
- Nyx