ANNOUNCEMENT: Terrene Test Keys! Get 'em while they're hot! There is a Discord link in-game for a test Discord server!
Next up
Devlog 3: Hello, all. I redesigned the UI a bit to get rid of some debug stats and to just clean up the screen. I am still working on the redesign so hold in tight!
Devlog 5: Added in an excavator block that mines the earth if you fuel it with coal! I am also working on workbenches but that will take a bit longer. Stay tuned!
Mini Devlog: Made the build-mode grid half the size and added the ability to switch between blocks! Expect more soon!
For those who don't know, this game is somewhat of a reset on my previous project, UMS. I decided to restart because I wanted to use physics to have better movement, but for those who are interested, here is an early version of the game before the switch!
Mini Devlog: I have finished the basic crafting UI, and I have started to experiment with world generation! Next devlog will be the crafting system in-game, functioning properly.
Hello, I am ARAPHELLE, and I am working on a game called MANIA, this is a working title because I haven't thought of a proper name yet. I will be posting here as well as my Twitter regarding updates to the development process!
Devlog 6: Hello, all! It has been a while, but I will try to update this more. What I am working on at the moment is a new weapon (Bow), Saving and Loading, and more items in general! I also updated the UI a bit more.
Devlog 4: Big post here since I haven't been posting, I added a lot of things, like dynamic camera, new dashing, and changing spawn point. I added some new blocks, floors, and lighting objects. I also remade the resource gathering and crafting!
Mini Devlog: I have started working on random world generation and having a sort of render region, here it is in a test project.