July Day Funkin (the page is at the work at the moment)

1 year ago

another day another update treahd

first we start i want to tell then most infimation are from twitter accunt of the mod so check it out



Some people mighty ask "What happend to jdf?" Is It Is dead? It Is cancelead? Awser Is... No

This mod Is taking a lot of time cause we reworking on some stuff for expale: A remastered of 2 songs due of One of team be kicked out due of his action (we dont talk about it)

The main build made by this meber Will probaly be scrapped due of him have Fully fucked the code making It hard as shit so we Will probaly restart from zero with a new coller build and Try to cut out all his work

Small team means slown speed most of the team are mosty busy with other mods and ect for exple


Is working on the main arts like FreePlay and stages (and ect) But other mods included If ya wanna help this mod as artirts ya can dm lucathebear On discord (idm)

(are you looking for me?)

This Is basicaly a update to explain what happend to the mod in short we are not dead we Just having issues and ect More Easy then that Thanks btw for all support and for eveything you are doing like fan arts and ect It means a lot for me @/Lucabear6


random stuff

Random "what if"/concept for jdf #TheWaltenFiles Song 1st Pic by


And 2st by


(hidden the image used for 2th cause spoier for cutscenes)


things got bluery too (video)

random d side seri design


d side slimy (also called shady)



that all

thanks for reading

and be sure to follow jdf on the mod accunt

we are busy working on mod if ya ask that why the page is at lot of work rn


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Next up

#ftroubles the dark island newslog (2)

all voice actors has be filled and work for the intro cutscene started devploment

looking to expand the artist section..and you can participate (if you are intressed contact me on discord lucathebear)

#ftroubles #helpwanted

hi im waving (luca stye)

Happy halloween 🎃

Hope you like!!

sorry if it's a small drawing

i am not btw dead for the 2 fans then still follow me. i been working on the rpg game and also playing (Again) pwp becuse peak. yeah

something fast

is a be a while so yeah...have this on meantime

remastered touching grass

For xmas have a...revamed design of Something very shitty and i wont Say more lmao

drawing of GF B3

hope you like! ✨

the mod is going very well time to show this teser and make people ask me "what is" and dont respond them to give cool effect