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vs luca the bear (demo) (not Canon anymore)

Version: 0.1.0over 3 years ago
this is the demo of the mod it have one song and a cutscene (very cringe Is the cutscene Sorry ={ Also Is not Canon anymore so dont expect me the full version Like that)

For see new news/Stuff/leaks of the mod and stuff like that go look the official jdf twitter (click me for opening)

If you make fan arts pls use #julydayfunkinfanart or #jdffanart on Twitter so i can see them (or straight ping me)

(this page is right now working at editing so yeah be ready if you looking this since it will have some small edits on time and time)



time ago even when human dont exist thery was 3 species: the demons, the elfs and the angeles...angels counted demons as monsters and demons fight for they survivng . they fight for years over years for nothing...but one day...the war get stopped by "the creators". the creators created 2 lifeform based on them...the death..and the life...the bear wake up finding a girl...the girl offered him to be mother and they had the most crazy avventure..encoring a slime experiment of a falied father who tried saving his daughter..and a girl who survived the insanity of a father who now trapped in a brand new hell...will they be able to save the world from...wait....wait a sec-...shit this is the wrong story UHMMMM LET ME REWRITE THIS UHMMMMmmm

there was a bear who was drinking a soda and enjoying his life but then somebody trown a mic in the head but he get it and found out is just a kid with a know who trown the mic so yeah get ready to have a july day funking


july day funking (also in short jdf) is a mod of the game "friday night funking" a propio au can be said in which major events or lore are not canonical for example some characters have a different lore from the original one (for expale mommy mearest is still a rockstar while daddy is retired)

5 weeks against a family who are gods. will you manage to win? or will you die trying? who knows what does it contain?

this mod contains :

5 weeks (we are working on 1 for now sorry)

freeplay songs

"alt" mix (lemix?)

some covers of other mods

ATTENTION: this mod is not for children the characters say bad words or something like that (and some of them look...suggestive?). to remind you fnf is not for kids so no complain like one of them

The Team:

(disclamer: some of them leaved the team so i will put after they name "(leaved)" if they leaved)

(more credits are inside the mod please check it out otherwise will be long years)


Luca=coder,creator of the mod/cutscene/luca voice and director

TRSF2.1 and Zangetsu with coding help (and zangetsu with some draws)

@DMZPlastix for music (lucno, hyperdrive, funkyclosion) (leaved)

Palinxx for other music (leaved)

detectiveprince and ChillSpace for adding voices (Lucno,hyperdrive,funkyclosion) (leaved)

@GhostGDX 2 songs (leaved)

Springy with some sprites (old ones) (leaved)

blue0blaze#9543 with background (????)

Spoon with concepts draws and sprites (thanks)

Heaver4D animator and amazing friend

Shira.#4049 with game over music (????)

RaymondVito for lucno charts (???)

Ark for hyperdrive charts (???)

snow; for funkyclosion charts (???)

AngelicFury with nullity ones (???)

Thanks for Azeriaa for making the thumbail (???)

Sinjl songs

@TommySilveria with concept arts and arts

Qna/frequent asked questions:

-Can i make a remestered/revival mod?

sorry but no =D if it will ever die i rather leave it die or give the project to somebody i trust to keep it alive

-Can i make (b side redux-b3 side-minus-starcacther-ect) stye?

okay but i will like before to be dms on discord so we can talk about your ideas (since i could give ideas)

-can i make some kind of expasion? (july day funking expansion?)

idk tbh contact me first?

-Can i make android Port?


-can i make a fan mod?

yeah sure ya can make ya "lucaverse"..."julyverse"? idk dsm me on discord before so out of curiosity i know more of ya mods idea project

models (used for cutscenes)(old):

stars255 , souger222, IzzrielTheXion,Arayaentertainment ,LudomCraft, 

DogeSlime,ItzBunnySFM, Cally3D , The-DoomguySFM , Jams3D , ChiefCGS


#fridaynightfunkin #oc #fridaynightfunkinmod

#fnf #fnfmod #mod #fnf #ocs #fangame #fnfmods

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

what happend to july day funkin?

a bit of news regarding jdf (Read it if ya want idfk)

another day another update treahd

another update (to make people know the mod is not dead)

give it a read if ya can

If ya forgort they Is a mod accunt on Twitter about this mod where news are offen showed there (check It out idk)

And if ya lazy to check they Is this video with all showed stuff

July day funking news (friday night funking mod)
well here is the video jdf news to keep the channel alivemod accunt: full (scrapped) song: