Maybe some of you have noticed, I'm VERY inactive on Gamejolt. And on top of that, I have to focus on my studies. Also, since roblox is banned where I live, and it is only accesible by using a vpn, and vpn makes the internet so slow I have 400 ping on roblox, I cannot play it. I'm inactive AND pretty much not playing anymore, even though I'm still very much interested in TD.
I thought maybe having another moderator who can keep track of how things go in this community might be good. I don't even know if this community is active or not, but having a moderator cannot be bad.
If anyone is willing to be a moderator, DM me. But you have to prove me that you have over 200 subscribers on youtube and your channel is about this game, or at least you do post TD-related videos frequently. If I don't respond in 2 days, I might respond the next week. If not, the wifi bill is probably not paid, idk.