This news article on the game will be strictly on how to play the game,
If you are new or just want to refresh your memory, please visit the game’s page for more information and news. Thank you.
For the last while we’ve been hinting into discussing How to Play or access The Vengeful Dead, ( as you wouldn’t be able to play it if you couldn’t access it ).
Here’s how it’s going down: Gamer World.

Gamer World is a amazing free application for playing video games, with a twist! With it, no downloading is required! (Other then the app itself) Bassicly, once the program is installed, no other downloading is required, you can play the games in less then a second, and with it’s brand new programming makes games load faster! So, to make it short, it’s like a Free-To-Play Arcade, right on your desktop!
Currently, it stands for windows only. But no fear Mac users! Currently were working a way out for Mac users to access The Vengeful Dead. Which we’ll get back to as soon as we have it all figured out.
So where’s this amazing application everyone’s talking about?
Right here:
You can visit the website to check it out and download Gamer World! The Vengeful Dead, however, will be available to play this upcoming Feburuary. Enjoy! And if there’s any questions just ask in the comments below and we’ll get back to you ASAP!
***Thanks for Playing!!!***