What’s new?
-project transfered from old game maker 8 to game maker studio for better compatability and workability
-slower better jumping
-now you can set keyboard controls
-damage system is redone, no more passive constant damage from touching, enemies strike harder
-health system is redone, less health pool, being undamaged for awhile starts quick regeneration, no regeneration for boss battles
-you can shoot up/down, some mobs are able too
-heal bot is redone, has no time limitations, have hp pool, gives its hp to player while healing, at 0 hp destructs itself, heal bot is the only heal source for boss battles, exept scientists boss battle, medkits will spawn there
-medkits is collectibles for later use now, heal more, can be used several medkits at once, 2 for energy shield, 3 for adrenaline, medkits disappear at boss battles start
-unnecessary grind sistem is implemented
-skippable messages at tutorial level
-pase menu is added, game won’t close when you press Escape button accidentally
-first enemy now have an electro attack
-there are upgraded versions of droid soldiers and flying drones in later levels
-second boss’es bot recharge is 5 sec now, also minor health increase
-while fighting third boss you can see when electrodes are ready to strike with electricity
-some sounds are changed/remade
-new exp spheres can drop from enemies, minor exp gain, if player is near starts to fly into him, will disappear if stays in place for too long
-final bosses are rebalanced a bit for both story lines
-swordsman droids a able to throw shurikens