
5 years ago

New Horizons Edition Patch v0.3.0 is released!



• dev logo intro (skippable)
• bandages, first aid consumables, you can buy them from camp merchant ('Misc' tab), heals you if you are lower than 33% HP threshold, can't heal over that threshold, also reduces bleeds
• chain levers, some doors is opened by them
• new equip: power crystalls, they will give you extra active skills
• some skills are castable now, you can cast in motion
• crystallography upgrade for firestarter works now
• settings for showing cooldowns on skillbar (circular, digits, digits+circular)
• new floor 4
• new caster enemy
• new scout enemy
• family clan level system (10 level cap for now), it will give little bonuses later in development
• new prefix on shields, that improves blocking stats
• new item level tier available


• new system that helps generate items, based on level, will help for development
• some skills and effects sprites are redrawn
• new runaway system through Esc menu, before: you could use it with chance to dop all your unequipped items and unsaved currencies, now: you will start casting runaway with no penalties (can't be used in combat)
• potions are redrawn, panel shows hotkeys for them
• dead bodies ricochet against walls is reduced
• when pots apear they pop out with sound, like other items
• redesign for pop-up window when escaping from entrance of current level
• reduces drop for purple crystals currency, will find usage for them later
• redrawn sprite of key
• shields now show its durability (amount of damage you can block before your shield goes to a forced cooldown)
• status effects shown under boss hpbar
• you can now see what direction boss teleports to
• starter equip now has [starter] tag and costs 0 gold
• nerfed headshot damage of throwing rock, but it now can be affected by your accuracy (that is over 100%)
• redesigned showing of buffs and debuffs on hero and enemies
• character generation: instead of randomized hp it randomizes main stats (STR,DEX,INT) in range from -2 to +2
• fighter can now wield shields too
• changes for damage formulas
• rescaled skill damage for new item generating system
• if you block too hard hit you will take remainder of that damage
• slow movement when you hold Alt
• changes for second tier upgrade of flaming jar skill (firestarter), one of options have an explosion
• rage cost of furious roar (vandal) is reduced by 5 RP
• easy difficulty removed
• double improved passive second tier uprage that strengthens class-based stat (for example, attack speed for fighters 2.5% -> 5%)
• now you can sell items in shop window by drag'n'drop
• changed extra slot bow usage, before: instant draw for 2/3 damage, now fully pullable with full damage possible as primary attack
• skill bar now shows weapon swap and shield slam cooldowns
• more optimization for level drawing
• settings for shaders (you can switch off color filter and chromatic aberration)
• wider range of weapon damage (for example, sword 2-3 will be 1-3)
• better drawing for trails of projectiles
• native skill damage that you gain from STR+INT improves with levels
• optimized playing sound of gas
• rage: passive gain over time for being in combat and loses out of it is doubled
• little nerf for crit damage gained from STR
• a few changes and replaces with names of prefixes for resistance and blocking
• when you sell items buyback tab will glow if it is not selected (some players didn't notice that you have 4 tabs in shop: weapons, armor, misc, buyback)


• bag fixed, when odd total poison damage was rounded to even
• bag fixed, when currencies didn't save in camp
• v-sync is on by default for new players (helps with 144Hz double fps speed bug)
• bag fixed, when PP didn't go over base maximum, if you wore cloth armor
• bag fixed, when skill window showed wrong upgrades and masteries in intro
• other fixes




Next up

Low-Rez and Stash Edition Patch v0.2.2 is released!


Now I have twitter account and you can see there tweets about Archtower:

Attention! I am going to fully move to the site, and no more updates will be posted here. You can follow Archtower updates here: And here:

Clan Hall & Perks Edition Patch v0.3.3 is released!


Settings & Upgrades Patch v0.1.8 is released! Patchnotes:

Camp and Banners Edition Patch v0.2.1 is released! Patchnotes:

Skills & Animated Menus Edition Patch v0.2.3 is released!


Archtower is cancelled :(

Some New Content Edition Patch v0.2.5 is released!


Uncancelled Edition Patch v0.2.0 is released! Patchnotes: