
5 years ago

April 2019 Progress Report

April 2019 Progress Report

It’s a little late this month, but regardless we have some interesting stuff to share!


As you can see, it’s getting pretty dang close to completion! Right in time too I hope!

Now, on the Patron side of things…


ALL 10 Party Member slots have been filled, and you can see them all there!

Get ready to meet Jack, Scotty, Fluch, Rosette, Mizure, Kris, Wendy, Flynt, Fig, and Gwen all on your adventure in the full game!

Gwen especially was a special case where members of the community came together to fund a single character. We certainly never thought anything like that would happen, but it’s pretty cool!


This month we also held Make Your Monster 2! Where once again fans submitted their own NPC designs through twitter to be picked and voted on. The winners were Patrick, Shirren, and Nyabeth.


This Make Your Monster contest was an absolute wild ride, being by far the most successful one in history so far. Over 1,000 people voted with many people sharing their favorite characters with as many people as possible to gain support. The Discord memes that turned up were half the fun.

That isn’t all we announced either!


This July all 20 Finalists from the 3 previous polls who didn’t win will be facing off in a Bracket style Tournament for one last chance to get into the game!


Now, this report is gonna be a tad light on the actual game updates, because as said in the previous report, in this stage we don’t want to spoil too much of Act 1!

However one thing you’ll notice is brand new portraits for several characters who didn’t have one previously…


…As well as brand spankin new ones for several characters who already had them, done by!

One minor thing we’ve fixed is that now you won’t have to worry about accidentally skipping text, but you can still skip it if you really want to.


…Also you can pet the dog now.

That’s all for now, but in the next couple of weeks we’ll have something BIG to share with all of you. I hope you’re as excited as we are!

See you next time!

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