The D17 Update is here with a bunch of performance enhancements, bug fixes and a screen stretch for windowed mode. You can download the latest demo here:
Here is a list of everything I can remember that was updated:
Added stretch to increase the window size. It does make the game go slower and that’s why I pulled it from the game.
Added window border so you can click, drag and move the window.
Improved frame rate even with the flame throwers and dragons.
Improved the visuals for the weapon power ups.
Fixed a crash caused by the game being unfocused during the 5 second quick instructions.
Fixed sound and music volumes saving.
Improved performance by cutting corners with the background, cash, particles and flame thrower. If you were getting 30 fps you will probably get a better frame rate, but I recommend medium or low quality in the settings.
Thank you to everyone that has given AquaNimble a chance and to everyone that has voted on the Steam Greenlight page. If you would like to vote, please give the link a click: