Space Courier
10 years ago

Arrow Controls

I’ve made a quick update to Space Courier, adding the option to toggle between the ‘A’ and ‘D’ key for movement or arrow keys. Press ‘P’ while playing to see the options screen, and then press ‘3’ to toggle the option.

Thanks for playing!

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Whoa it's been too damn long. The first enemy type is a drone that hangs out in the fields. Destroying one sends it flying into other objects. I created an auto-pilot, it's not smart, really just a debug tool that turned out to be a nice screensaver.

New version released as early alpha! I did this bc the game kinda works as a nice screensaver right now ><

Press 1-5 to equip/un-equip weapons, everything auto-fires right now. Once you reach the top it just restarts. Levels just go up for now...

Created the game page!

Early asteroid development in this version. Lasers destroy them as well as them colliding with one another. I'm experimenting with a sort-of-random decision on which asteroid is destroyed in the collision (or both).

Tweaked the background a bit, layers are more subtle and have varying opacity. I added particles to the laser hitting rocks & there's health and damage logic working there too. There's gems and tractor beam action too! Look as the number goes up!

Space nukes!

I finally have this weapon working close to how I want. As with everything at this stage, there's plenty of tweaking to be done. I turned off the other weapons for this vid.


EXP on left, health in the center, and engines on the right. As long as you're not using energy the engines recharge. Base weapon ability won't use energy but boosting and specials will consume energy, as will braking.

I've begun the process of copying the old project....manually ⊙.☉

S'all good tho, I'm able to improve things + the old project was too messy anyway. One thing already is drawing stars, needs some tweaking but it's gonna look real nice with some juice!

Space Courier 2! Almost certainly what it's not going to be called! Early Alpha screensaver version released!


Press 1-5 to equip/unequip systems

Press 'G' to activate auto-pilot and enjoy the screensaver!

All the other systems are still WIP =D

Phaser beams on full!

New ability & auto-firing is working for both weapon types. Many more abilities in the pipeline too! I like the particle effects on the collisions so far but I want to add some color there. I'm getting sick of this grey ship too..

Been awhile, but oh yes I now have MENU > SELECT VESSEL > PLAY THE DARN GAME working! Hopefully I can upload this version tomorrow. todo: make the weapons work in an awesome & satisfying way.

The video looks a bit choppy, screen record on a Chromebook