6 days ago

Arrow is still bitter abt their first reincarnation ๐Ÿค“

( Explanation in article )

So , in Misen and Minos first reincarnation as Kieran ( Misen ) and Miko ( Mino ) , Kieran was Miko's guardian angel ( reasons unknown ) , but somewhere along the lines , Miko died

And when whoever a guardian angel is protected dies , the guardian angel chokes on and dies by whatever they mostly remember of the person . And Kieran remembered mainly about Miko about the roses Miko gave her when they first met , so Kieran choked on roses and died .

So , in the second reincarnation , Arrow was bitter about that , and made it her life goal to ruin Milos life ๐Ÿค“ ( which is another reason why Arrow made Kolias , Milos love , fall from heaven ๐Ÿค“ )

Also , that's Arrows true form , aka how Milo and other burnt Angels and demons , see Arrow compared to how everyone sees her as a small angelic little shit ๐ŸŽ€

Also , her true form is meant to have four arms , I js forgot them ๐Ÿ˜“



Next up

Alrr, Carolus' official design

(I'm so tired)

Introducing human Asmo and human Lyzo !!

Fun fact, in this AU, Asmo is actually Lyzos therapist, and Lyzo is a CEO of a company that used to be owned by Lyzo's mother, Elizabeth ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

(Also, invite the last images LMAO)

I remade Carolus

Remake is first two images, his original design is the other images

I might change up the remake tho

This is for everyone ๐Ÿซ‚ โค๏ธ

Random ahh thing

Maybe it's lore , maybe it's not ๐Ÿซ 

Do you ever just stop worrying for someone bcuz now you know this is just looping story of them doing something and then come back like nothing, even when they know it worried you and everyone each time they did it .

Arrow and Milo cuz I'm in love with them , and I'm in a good mood ๐ŸŽ€


Happy thanksgiving, I'm losing my voice๐Ÿ˜ƒ