EYYO Rollerbros, Amigos, Players and Gamers. PAX South 2019 is complete!
The week of PAX was what I felt an experience at a convention SHOULD be for vendors. There were so many people that came out and played our game. Seeing the look on their faces was incredible and it made me feel like our game was really…just another game! After working on Wenches and Loot for so long its hard to take a few steps back to see the progress made, and seeing it through the eyes of the attendees was refreshing. The game was met with excitement, and interest with every play. People had so many kind things to say about it. I especially great to hear compliments about the art style. Some, compared it to water color. AMAZING.
We also sold out of our baby mimcs! We went to the con not expecting any of our merch to go over so amazingly as it did! We are making more for future cons!
Looking forward to getting more characters done. I have been working on some designs of many of the supporting cast. Its slow work but I am having a great time coming up with designs.

also been getting some pixels ready too.

Anywhosen, That’s my updates, see y’all next time! Until then, drink plenty of water, you are what you eat, and dance like no one is watching.