Hello Ladies and Gents! Boys and girls. My name is Artskullz, but you can call me Art. Shout out to PM(Particle man) calling me “Artskillz” in his log instead of Artskullz.
Today’s sweetly baked devlog, is sitting on the windowsill to cool because my stuff is HOT! The past few weeks have been brutal in the best sort of way. We have all been working our asses off to make the game perfect for the cons we will be attending in the VERY near future. I have been working on game assets as usual but the biggest thing on my mind was a new logo. I have spent quite a few weeks coming up with new designs for our game, which has been quite the struggle. I wanted to use elements from the game and draw something pretty metal to go along with the music. Something that would look like a rock-band’s t-shirt.
Some of these were interesting but they just weren’t sticking.
So I went to the game’s first level, looking at the assets. I find myself staring at a MIMIC. Is there anything more metal than a mimic? An RPG Legend that has been created again and again. I looked online and didn’t find many designs of Mimic’s for t-shirts. This is EXACTLY what we need. But much like it does in the game, it fooled me into thinking it would be easy to make. I spend hours doing designs and landed on this one.
Yeah its metal… but it didn’t feel right. I was not feeling it at all. Did some more sketches and this one happened.
Much cooler looking. AND it was clever. the tongue made the “L” in loot, and the sword would make a “T.”
Genius right? So I went with it.
So cool. I was really feeling this one. UNTIL…. I had other people look at the logo. They couldn’t read it at all! They could only read the word “Wenches”
If people can’t read our logo, that means I have failed as a designer! So….back I went to making the logo. and then FINALLY! The heavens opened up for me.
BOOM. I took it around to people and they could read it perfectly. THIS was the design I was looking for. Metal, Simple, colorful and READABLE! Fuck yeah. I am super proud of this finished design, and I look forward to putting this design on shirts and other gear.