Hey all! I just thought I'd finally give an update to this... game.
It's not cancelled. I did not lose the files. They're safely secured in my super secret Google Drive folder. Okay, now with that out of the way...
My work on the game—or atleast for this month—is done until I get the assets for the floors. While all of this is going on, I have been working with a separate team at the studio to make a co-op TRTF fan-game. This does not affect DREADWALKER development at all, aside that the same designer (JRWells) is gonna be the designer for it too... along with me being the UI person.
THE GAME IS ALIVE. The UI and stuff are there. Way better than we had before. The "Sentinel Watch" kind of works; only needing the documents and photographs sections to be worked on. I do plan to make it more than a simple lore reader and time checker. We'll show you... when I can.
204863 - It works. Indeed. It got me a few times. You wanna know why? Currently, it can pop out of nowhere on floors when you first arrive. It is quite rare to get—unless you trigger it by getting jumpscared by special characters.
... And it also plays a LOUD and SPED UP version of I Love Beijing Tiananmen. The Hong Kong 97 version, specifically. It loops endlessly. "Wǒ ài Běijīng Tiān'ānmén, Tiān'ānmén shàng tàiyáng shēng" (I love Beijing Tiananmen, the sun rises above Tiananmen!) is drilled into my head, and it keeps playing EVEN AFTER YOU GET THE CRASH PROMPT UNTIL YOU CLOSE THE WINDOW.
Obviously, while this was supposed to be the "end song" for the BALLOONS game before I just did it with some random old song—I plan to replace it with something more comfortable and not ear-piercing.
please keep watching smokey. im gonna go work on LOST VENDETTA.