
2 months ago


I forgot. So here's The Road (That Falls) Onwards To 2025/Whenever/This/Game/Is/Releasing

(and also stuff from dev)

It is soon going to be... 1 year NO GAME.

I'm supposed to stay quiet but I guess that's fine. Nobody has thrown bricks at me for not releasing it this year *COUGH COUGH* LIFE *COUGH COUGH* ISSUES *COUGH COUGH* STUFF so somewhere in 2025... Maybe.

I have tried to scale down the "too ambitious" stuff from the original version of DREADWALKER as much as possible. Now, I know this might shock some—but the game is NOT going to be entirely "free-roam."

It's only for SOME certain floors and rooms, since I think people are not going to enjoy "find key and survive until 4929124 hours lol xd good luck" after a couple of minutes into the game. At best, it's going to be like every TRTF 5 revival out there. This was ALWAYS the original idea, and I prefer we stick to it. (shout-out to TRTF Expanded Edition)

Engine switch to Unreal Engine 5 for such the type of a game WAS "discussed", but we'll just immediately hit a brick wall.

In the meanwhile, I have taken over making the floors and scenes just to get things further. Obviously, they will be replaced by Froob's assets once I get them.

So, to end it off... No, Playtesters and other people—I have not forgotten about you. (becauseilovemyplaytestersandimeanplatonicallydontcancelmewaitwhydidievenaddthis???) Currently dealing with some... stuff which I'm trying to get sorted out and through... and I'll release another build IF I can finish the first floor. Once and for all. I'm not (my mind has advised me to not finish this joke)



Next up


(image from d4d. early inventory thingy)

in another universe

E3 2025

"please welcome, head of kriya studios: edmund ahlström!"

tyler comes onto stage, fedora and everything

"i'm going to tell you a story..."

crowd goes crazy

"... about a nice E3"

tyler gets shot


l (not capital i)

no playtest thingy

i cant sleep bruh

??? (1)


funy announcement + 105 follower celebration post

(check out funy game here: