If not thats fine! Ill select random people as participant, The race is who gets to choose my Username (Cannot be the one im useing @Yourlocalevan)
Ill set Other participants Just in case one of you 2 Dont wanna do this. Race starts in 2 days!
Rules: Comment the username you want me to Change to. If that comment gets more likes then the other Then I will change it to the most liked comment.
Partici: @Kimetsu-Chan (maybe) @killermeh (maybe)
Partici If one of them dont Want to race.
If kim doesent want To then she will be swapped with @ (not chosen yet)
If Killermeh Doesent want to then he will be swapped with @ (not chosen yet)
Those are simple rules. If The others dont want to partici Then ill find someone else! Choice is up to yall!