Audio Settings
So… Now we have audio settings! The player (which means you, I hope…) will be able to set how loud he wants the game to be.
The New Tree
Now we have a new tree! It’s called Spruce Tree, and it is… Oh… Well, I think you can guess how it looks like, but here goes an image, anyway.
As you can see, it comes in three stages: the Adult, the Medium and the Sapling.
Also, I’m happy to announce that the Trello board of this game is public! That means that if you want to see exactly where am I working at, or even see what’s planned to the future, you can simply check the Trello Board!
Oh, and please, never forget to comment! I’d love to know what you think of the game (and also your ideas to always improve it)!
#landofenchantments #platform #action #unity #fantasy #multiplegamestyles #mgs #igorvasiak #audiosettings