5 years ago

badtime files chapter 8

Bookworm: Hey mr valiant I have the badtimes ready to be shipped off and the files are being sent to you as we speak

Valiant: Good, good I have the funtimes and I am headed to the location

Bookworm: You mean your summer home

Valiant: Hey don’t question me just take them there

Bookworm: I was not questioning you in fact bringing the funtimes and badtimes together in a more natural environment will be good for them

Valiant: Exactly

Bookworm: Okay I have the directions and I will be there shortly after you

Valiant: Excellent I have just gotten on the road and I am on my way

Bookworm: Alright I will call you later

(hangs up)

Valiant: Alright chara we will be there in a few hours, are all the funtimes in the back

Chara: Yes I made sure that they were all (relatively) safe in the back of the truck

Valiant: Good, would you mind if I turned on the radio

Chara: Have at

(radio turns on)

Host: Hello everyone welcome to the right now show today we have an interview with our very own mayor william

Chara: Ugh william

William: I must say it is a pleasure to be on your show today

Host: Well mr william we do have some major questions sent in by our viewers and when reading them we notice that a lot of them have to do with the recent funtime issue

William: That is quite alright as the “leader” of this town I would believe that the people do deserve my opinion on the matter

Host: Okay… so let’s start with the most basic question “what is your opinion on the funtimes as a whole”

William: Well not to be too rude but I consider them a threat to our town and knowing that they were able to escape worries me especially knowing the death count they racked up in their escapades

Host: Okay… next question “what measures will you take to keep them from harming us if they do come back”

William: Well I will set a reward, whoever can bring them to me (preferably alive) will win a reward of $30,000 each and that dear viewers and listeners is a promise.

Host: Hmmm well that is quite a high price

William: A small price to pay for our safety

Host: Mr william are you aware of the controversy that your actions may cause

William: In all honesty it is all too hard to avoid controversy and I will not let other people's responses sway my decision

Host: Well what if say things about you on--

William: On what social media HA don’t make me laugh so what if other people say rude things about me online all it shows is that they are too afraid to tell me in person and besides I don’t have social media so I wont see it anyway

Host: Okay I think we have time for one more question “do you think that the funtimes are more like actual people than some lead them out to be”

William: … that my dear is quite the interesting question… I could say that they might have the capability of being human but from what I have seen it is quite unlikely, I mean even if they try to act like us… who knows when they could snap and endanger us all. I do believe that it is far safer for everyone, for me to keep them contained. And I promise that I will find the most suitable place to keep them

Host: Alright everyone I believe our time is up tune in tomorrow for our next interview on the right now show thank you all for watching

William: And remember you are my number one priority

(radio turns off)

Chara: What an ass

Valiant: I know I mean who actually falls for this stuff

Chara: Well you know as they say people are smart but the public is stupid

Valiant: Well now we have to be extra careful of where we go knowing those people they are probably on their way to find the funtimes and retrieve the reward

Chara: I agree

Narrator: Meanwhile back in william's estate

Reukra: 30,000 dollars each! that is madness I mean I want them out of our plans but I don’t think we can just give out that kind of money

William: Well if your so worried about it than go and get them for yourself so we don’t have to

Reukra: Me?

William: Well yea you will be paid

Reukra: Really?

William: Yea it will take a couple hundred paychecks but you will

Reukra: ha ha very funny

Bendy: Sir there is a mob of protesters right outside our door

William: So what it is like they are going to do anything

(a brick flies through the window)

William: I will be right back

(william walks out of his house)


Protesters: The funtimes are people too you maniac

William: Show me the proof than

William: Exactly now if you are hell bent on proving it me I have news for you I WILL RASE THE REWARD EVEN HIGHER $50,000 ALIVE AND $25,000 IF DEAD OR IF YOU SO PLEASE YOU CAN KEEP THEM AND FORFEIT PAYMENT and when they turn on you and leave you for dead I will capture them myself

Reukra: Okay this is getting out of hand I need to do something or else william is going to drive us bankrupt... looks like I am going to have to get ugh them to help me. Jeez am I the only one concerned with our finances?

William: Now bendy send out the searchers and have them put up fliers for the reward and tomorrow when I have the location of the funtimes send out fliers showing where they are

Bendy: Why not just put it on our website

William: Fine fine do that too

Bendy: Searchers william has sent orders go to his office and pick up the fliers then post them around town. I have a website to update

William: And bendy please don’t ruin this computer

Bendy: Hey I am made of ink, I’ll do my best but no promises

William: Ugh whatever, all that matters is that everything is falling into place




Next up

so idecided to remake my nerf TF2 showcase. i decided i'm going to do the classes in order this time so we're starting with the scout

So people have been sharing this around

My thoughts

hell's hooligans rebooted

betty que origin

Lucky for me no one comments on my posts anyway so I'm pretty much immune to posts like these

I have ascended

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I missed this weapon in the original scout post so here is its own video. The deadly twins

So in my original spy post (link here https://gamejolt.com/p/alright-time-for-the-next-part-if-my-nerf…) I mentioned that I made a specific video for the loose launcher and here it is. Let me know if you want one for LA roulette

I do as the picture guides