The Evil Horror: The Catalyst
10 months ago

"BandEros - Kolambia Pictures Ne Predstavlaet" It will be the 4th song in Vladivostok FM)

And also, I apologize for the long absence. The game is being made, the trailer for the 2nd and 3rd episodes is already being made. So wait



Next up

Character upgrade! The Catalyst Ralsei and The Catalyst Susie(Fix Rig)

Test gameplay of episode 1, with updated graphics. On Russian localization

"The Joy of Creation: Story Mode" on ultra minimum settings and ultra budget xD

Soviet Cartoons: Secret Cheburashka

Screenshot Gameplay_1

Read Artecle!

Rat Race Production Update

Looking for voice actors for English localization. Artem, Rita, Alice and other characters!

Read Article!

Five Nights at Candy's 3: Mini Sugar Rush! is now available!

Character upgrade! The Catalyst Susie, Enchanted edition

The Catalyst Asriel Enchanted Version

The Evil Horror: The Catalyst 1.2.0 = Enchanted Update (Read Article ENG/RUS)