12 years ago

Before Post-Mortem, in need for feedback

So here it is, my second game on GameJolt, Before!
If you played it, please leave a comment for feedback, I’d really like to know what you think of it, thank you :)

So…post-mortem time!
My first one was Pissin’ you Off, made for Ludum Dare 25 and quite frankly…not a very good game.

When I decided to apply for GameJolt’s 9th contest I decided two things:
1) Don’t go too crazy with game design and do something more classic
2) Have a story in the game

In fact, Before is a 2D topdown action game, inspired by Zelda, Y’s and many more of the same genre.
I spent a long long time trying to polish the game play, squashing bugs and creating as many enemies as I could. I actually did all the level design on the last day of the contest! (I know, that’s stupid, I should have organized myself better)

I managed to come up with five enemies: you run-of-the-mill slime, an eye that shoots stuff, a winged snakes that breaths fire and a “earth” gnome inspired by Paracelsus. And last but not least, the boss, a giant eye. Not very original, but still ok!
I really rushed the boss in the final hours, all it does is shoot stuff and summon more monsters! Should have done something better.
Anyway I like the enemies I created, especially the gnome since I think it looks cool :P

The story is based on the concept of Chaos from Greek creation myths where Chaos is not really disorder, but the void state preceding the universe.
Before wants to tell the story of what happened right before the creation of the universe. The player controls the Demiurge, the god who created the material world who finds himself inside the Chaos. I’m not going to say anything more about the story, go play the game :P
I researched a lot of old stuff on wikipedia when coming up with the story. Of course, it’s not completely accurate with the old myths but what I wanted the most is making the player to go “What the **** is going on here? What is this?”
Did I succeed? Who knows!
The enemies themselves are actually all based on chaos mythology, the gnomes from Paracelsus, the snakes look like dragons that usually symbolize chaos, the eyes… etc!

Special thanks go to my girlfriend who made the main theme you can hear at the beginning and end of the game, the title screen, the game over screen and a lot of dialogues and helped my with the story! She actually did a lot of stuff! She’s great :D

In the end, I’m satisfied with the game I made. Sure, it could have been better, the graphics are all kinda dark but it’s still the best game I’ve made so far and I’m satisfied with it!

My game actually have just 17 plays and no comments/ratings so..if you played it, if you liked it or hated it to death please just leave a comment and tell me, I’d really like some feedback!
If you read all of this, thank you very very very much, hope you liked my postmortem and my game :)



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