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It's been a long time since I made an original fangame, I think it's a good time to remaster this abomination. Here's a little script tease I've been working on.
Suprise suprise! the port is being reworked/recoded, I have released a small demo build after being absent to this. Heres some little bts of what im doing
main mode is 100% done
FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!
Yo, new patch for android..
10 years of Fangames ❤️
Too much?
Cutscene WIP (may need some artist to make the art a bit cooler :>)
The search for New Horizons begins tomorrow... At 16:00 EST (New York Time)
I just finished playing BATIM today, and ngl, chapter 5 felt very rushed imo and I could definitely tell that there's some copy and pasted location at the ink demon walking part..nonetheless, my childhood is complete..