Five Nights at Leon's: Remastered

3 years ago


Hello everyone.

There is a lot of work made behind the strings, there are tons of new stuff that are coming real soon. Might not be what you expect tho, but it will be worth the wait!

I'm not an official fnal dev team anymore, however there is a lot of stuff I have been working on for Leon's, so you can expect me around for quite few more time, but eventually I'll leave forever. Right now one of my closest friends will take my position in Leon's dev team (at least that's the plan). You can see some of his work on the new thumbnail and header! (It's really impressive considering it's his first project he will be in)

Five Nights at Leon's is growing really slowly and I'm really proud that I was part of this wonderful project. There are lots of things coming for the series ( really excited for the ones I'm helping to make, lmao) so stay tuned for the future updates!

Don't tell anyone but if we reach 1,000 followers Omar and I will go crazy and do some really dangerous stuff. It's a secret shhh

This post mainly was made in order to promote the discord server and to let you know that we are indeed working on Leon's, we're working in the dark, sorry for the silence.


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Version 2.0 (REVAMP)

Happy Halloween everyone!

Teaser #3

New screenshots

Everyone, I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to @Dimon4Ka for making this amazing fanart he sent me over discord.

@Dimon4Ka I appreciate the time and effort you took to make this man

Five Nights at Leon's: REMASTERED

Official REVAMP! (Please read)

Thanks a lot

Merry Christmas everyone!

Hope you guys have nice holidays with your families and loved ones

Art by: @Dimon4Ka

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