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Left 4 Crossing Roscoe.
Spy Olivia
Niko Oneshot if they aren't fucking around.
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
Left 4 Crossing Tortimer.
Left 4 Dead 2 - E3 Trailer screenshot remade showing The Parish Cemetery. REMAKE / OLD Spent alot of time to match the scene but also make it as realistic as i can.
Left 4 Crossing Walker -"Don't worry guys, stay positive! I got a good felling about this!"
-"Walker you're under the effects of 30 different drugs."
Sciences doesn't work, so I'm making more guns.
Made another one, this time an advertisment at the Kappel's store at Liberty Mall in L4D2 :)
Sometimes I think way to hard on how would you make a snowmen because its never snow here in my place.
Oh and by the way Merry Christmas!
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