Before we start with everything, here is a message for BETA players:
The BETA is for you to get a early look at the full game, nothing left out. We do want you to play it and enjoy it but you are also getting it to break it any way possible so we may fix for the public. Videos and pictures ARE allowed of the BETA and may be published before the full game is out!
BETA List:
Donators -
(If you did donate and you are not on here, message us ASAP!)
Youtubers -
Melik Gaming
Warfare Ridge
John Wolf
Other -
No one
Names and people may be added or removed in time but these are the main based people who will for certain get the BETA. For those who are not on the list do NOT worry! After the BETA goes live we will post about 5 codes within the span of 1-5 days (Not all at once) for the BETA. It will be posted at the devlog section so follow for notifications on public BETA codes.
We have gotten the audio from the voice actor! We are now doing some editing to it and are splicing it together to fit nicely and along with the script. Then we ourselves will do a quick run down of the game and make sure it works for the general part. BETA testers will be there to try to, not just play it, but try to break it!
Now with the audio we can work decently quickly to get the beta ready! Thank you all for being patient for so long after our first initial thought on the BETA’s release date and sticking with us through the development.
Thanks a ton and can’t wait for you all to see the game when we have completed it - Joey, CEO of Iron Edge Indie Game Studio