This article for the beta testers (shosen from 2 articles ago) to use to their advantage. I have sent them another version of the beta. Should everything go well, it will become the demo to be released to everyone!
Bugs that have been fixed:
The phone call will no longer played even after death
The doors (should) no longer get stuck and (most) of the weird things that happen with the doors should be removed
The weird time and animatronic bugs should be gone
Things that have been added:
The animatronics will now wait the length of the phone call to start moving (unless you mute the call)
The mute function on Night 2 has been added
[[[SPOILERS]]] Things that I know about and are not bugs: [[[SPOILERS]]]
I know that you can no longer move while the animatronics are banging on the doors. This is intentional.
I know the animatronics may look weird when walking away from the door. Do you like this or would you like me to provide a solution?
Thanks once again to all my beta testers! You should be receiving the new game files shortly :3