-The game now runs in 800x600 instead of 640x480
-All fonts should be a lot clearer now and easier to read.
-Text now supports colours, So I’m throwing some more colour into some of the UI.
-Weapons now drop from chests instead of just being collected
-Chests are now in the game, you can get cool Items from them.
-Many tweaks to different levels.
-New Graphics for bullets
-New Mechanics for splashing text on the screen
-New sounds for, shooting, collecting and the shotgun
-Some rooms will now require you to defeat a certain amount of enemies.
-New Options.ini file for future use in the options screen (can be found in %appdata%/BlackWolf/)
The first 5 levels of Episode 2 are finished
The game can technically support many resolutions now (good for when the options screen will be added)
Enemies can’t shoot through furniture anymore(neither can you)
Guns no longer render upside down when pointing left (finally)