Apologies for the lack of updates lately. I won't lie, I have been pretty lazy lately. (My mentally deranged brain is currently not in "game dev" mode.)
With that said, I will do my best to keep up a somewhat steady amount of updates. I may as well follow through with that, so here's a new screenshot!

The main thing I need to get done is the art as of now. The game is mostly feature-complete coding wise (in spite of me needing to finish up Blony's A.I. and apply it to the others) but the art takes a while to make with this game.

Here's a work-in-progress drawing for one of the cameras. The art all involves doing line-work for the rooms, coloring them in, and adding shading. A single camera can take multiple hours, so it's difficult for me to get myself to draw them.
However, I'll do my best to get it done! I will say, there will be a special contest involving the game later on. I'll leave you to ponder what it's about!
Thank you for taking time to read this! Apologies for the waiting, I really hope the game lives up to your guys' expectations!~