1 year ago

Blony's been super busy collecting presents for her friends! However, the allure of cookies n' milk is too powerful of her. Just... a few more... minutes...zzz....

Apologies for the lack of updates lately. I won't lie, I have been pretty lazy lately. (My mentally deranged brain is currently not in "game dev" mode.)

With that said, I will do my best to keep up a somewhat steady amount of updates. I may as well follow through with that, so here's a new screenshot!


The main thing I need to get done is the art as of now. The game is mostly feature-complete coding wise (in spite of me needing to finish up Blony's A.I. and apply it to the others) but the art takes a while to make with this game.


Here's a work-in-progress drawing for one of the cameras. The art all involves doing line-work for the rooms, coloring them in, and adding shading. A single camera can take multiple hours, so it's difficult for me to get myself to draw them.

However, I'll do my best to get it done! I will say, there will be a special contest involving the game later on. I'll leave you to ponder what it's about!

Thank you for taking time to read this! Apologies for the waiting, I really hope the game lives up to your guys' expectations!~



Next up

i prommie the game will come out eventually. basically the entire rest of the game is designed i just need to actually code it when i have the time. also thansk for nearly 300 followers <3

someone please help catch the little bubblings theyre eating my code

Meet the purple partygoer, Posega!

it's not releasing this fall, take the icons spinning as an apology

The Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest, and THE RESULTS!

why did she do this i hate her!

can we get much higher (so high)

kaboom! there goes your tower! watch it crumble, feel the power!

believe it or not, i'm not dead. the game won't be ready for a good while but i've been picking up the pace.

it'll still be quite a while, but after 2 years the end is finally in sight. fo sho releasing this year