18 days ago

BNJR behind the scenes fact

(read le article)

The extended length episodes of BNJR (100, Christmas, 200) have introduced an animation technique I call

"The Law of Conservation of Billy"

Basically that means if A character model is significantly altered (facing a different angle for example) they will often stay that way until a new scene demands a different pose.

Is it lazy? Kinda'. But it is also not really that noticeable unless you know about it. :P

(also I'm just one person and animation is hard)



Next up

Maid In The USA (Part 1)

Maid In The USA (Part 2)

Maid In The USA (Part 7)

@PrincessDoit 's MMNNPIDAH as Happy Tree Friends (First Ten Characters)

Maid In The USA (Part 3)

Honey Sisparilla (Character by @PrincessDoit )

Maid In The USA (Part 9)

Maid In The USA (Part 5)

Guys!! i'm bored so I made a lil animation

I find it impressive that I made the walk cycle without a reference.

Also, I really like that "Choppy" animation style, it makes it look all stop motion, and it saves frames.

Maid In The USA (Part 11)