As you may have noticed, this project has undergone a slight rebranding.

Our secondary director, Kasssm, has stepped down at my request. Due to lack of incentive to work on the project, to the extent of never really contributing to the project, and a lack of interest in the project, I have decided to ask him to leave.
The decision was made so we can focus on our projects more, rather than any negative reason. It was mutual, and would have happened quite some time ago, had I not pushed him to stay.
The new rebranding (thumbnail, logo, screenshots, etc.) was something I had been planning for a while now, even having referred to the project "Jevilswap" since its inception. I hope it attracts more people, as its more representive of the project.
Progress is going fairly smooth behind the scenes. This hiccup hasn't hurt progress. We are finalizing the layout of the demo, as in rooms and puzzles, and continuing progress on the cutscenes.

For the most part, Old Home is complete. We have a little bit more to do with random encounters, and there are some puzzles we previously shown off that require updating, but we are nearly done. Playtesters will be recieving a build soon.
Also, new soundtrack release.
Thank you for your continued support. We appreciate it greatly.
As we reach the climax of the demos development, we look back at our origins, and realize just how far we've actually come. I hope you look forward to our final product, we're working our butts off on it!
- Jevilhumor