Hello all! It's been a HOT minute since last we spoke, hasn't it?
I don't have a ton to speak on progress wise, as its obviously been a little slow due to my absence, but I'll say what I can. I'll also talk a little about what I personally have experienced, and when to expect some updates in the future!
General progress

The game has not recieved a terrible amount of progress since I had left, because I made the grave mistake of not puting the game files on a external hard drive! Smartest Jevilhumor moment, I swear...
I've done what I can though, mostly with concepts and writing! I'm making a story document containing every major plot point, and the demo is about 10 pages long on its own right now. Suffice to say, there will be a lot to experience when the game drops later this year.
I've been playing around with many new concepts and ideas for the gameplay and story to make it stand out more! I want to make sure the game isn't too bloated, however, so finding a balance has proven to be tough.
A few music track have been made for the full game recently, including two new area themes! Those will unfortunately not be dropping for a while, so please do be patient.
Personal experiences

I do want to put it out there: the past 2 months have been an absolute rollercoaster. Not having access to a computer to work on this project for the majority of that time was a nightmare, and it got worse when I recieved news that my PC hadn't even left customs a week after it was supposed to arrive. To say it was hellish would be an understatement, at least mentally...
On a brighter note! I spent a ton of time with family I haven't seen in years! It was an amazing experience, had so much fun with everyone, and overall I'm just happy I live relatively close to them so I can visit often.
In the time since the last devlog, I've graduated high school and been accepted to college. The courses I will be taking are related to game design, 3D modeling, and VR/XR simulations, and will be a freaking ride! I'm extremely excited to begin, I have a campus tour tomorrow where I will potentially even get some on-campus job opportunities too.
The future

It's bright.
Sure, college is probably going to end up devouring my ass, and a job probably will not help with that. But everyone has their responsibilities in life. I don't think I'll let them consume me; I care so much about this project, and I cannot wait to share it all with you someday.
JEVILSWAP will release soon. We are almost there. The rest of the work is almost entirely just story related stuff that I need to code, and all of it I am unbelievably excited to begin work on.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you so much for your continued support of our passions.

- Jevilhumor, on behalf of the JEVILSWAP team