3 months ago

BTW I haven't forgot about this game, will give an update on what's happening in months time.

Apologies for this being out of the blue after about 7 months of silence.



Next up

Currently working on UI improvements + Pizzeria name changes

This was probably one of the more requested and wished for features I've seen from the demo but now there's an Undo and Redo option in the game!

The Tiles and Objects have their own individual undo and redo lists.

For REGLITCHED people, Merry Christmas.

Characters designed by @Ayliminum

I've finally finished up redoing the main Night (Tower Def.) UI, as a lot of people had problems reading things wrong or didn't understand the generators.

Also for people wondering, I did make Control Settings for you to change the inputs of the game to buttons on your keyboard or mouse.

Many people were having issues where they couldn't get inputs to work (I think it's cause of unicode key inputs)

REGLITCHED Short Progress Devlog: Early March 2024

(I loaded a save file in this recording, that's why I started in the grass)

1987 Followers! We're having a QnA!

Ask Questions here, I'll answer them! (Sad news is that there will be no October 2023 Devlog).

I'm still continuing to grow the list of stuff to do but I wanted to share some confirmed ideas I had for the game in terms of enemies. The blacked-ones are spoiler-y, and I want to surprise people when they get it

Here's the re-rendered Overworld Walk and Run cycles with the proper arm and leg movements (i.e. Right Arm goes back, Right Leg goes forward). Very sorry for not noticing months prior of them being animated.

Here's what the View Mode of the Tycoon looks like now.

Many people wanted the ability to hide the UI as well as take screenshots in-game. You can also open the file location of the screenshots and are separated by the name of your pizzeria!