4 years ago

Bubbaruka! - Version 5.3.1 - Forest Update

Hello everyone! The latest update to Bubbaruka is now available, mainly focusing on improving the forest by adding several new places to explore in the map and new puzzles, as well as fixing several errors and bugs in the game.

  • Added the Lookout Tower, Cave Entrance, Campground, and Water Wells to the forest area of Flou's section, adding new notes to read and new places to explore in the woods.

  • Transformed the second arrow counting puzzle into a sliding block puzzle you have to solve in the well to add more variety to the puzzles in that zone.

  • Fixed an error causing Arti to permanently flicker the lights on and off in the first floor, preventing him from attacking or doing anything.

  • Fixed an error causing a second flashlight overhead to appear on screen when escaping the woods.

  • Added a soda can somewhere in the woods! Acts the same as vending machine soda for 0% of the price!

  • Changed the appearance and function of the 2 houses in the woods. Now they are actual houses instead of mirror copies of one another.

  • Fixed a glitch preventing you from progressing past Arti's area



Next up

The Final Act of Bubbaruka is now in production...


Final boss time? Final boss time.

An official release date for Bubbaruka has been decided: Bubbaruka will be released on Halloween! + Release details!


The Bubby Update : Full changelog

Where could this be...

Bubbaruka is now on sale! 50% off until January 4th!

A new face, and a new smile.

Another Release Date Postponement